February Shopping Audit [and selling our house]

February Shopping Audit [and selling our house]

February was a wild month. Theo had surgery [he’s made a full and fast recovery, by the way]. Brett accepted a new job in the city of Chicago and began commuting an hour and a half each way. We prepped and staged and listed our house for sale. Three days later we accepted an offer.

In order to get the house ready to sell, we made some unexpected purchases, but overall, we bought very little because we were so busy.

What We Bought:

[My audit only includes physical items and does NOT include consumables, such as groceries, pet food, and toilet paper.]

House maintenance supplies ($68) – We had to pick up some random things like paint brushes, outlet covers, and quarter round in order to get the house ready to sell. I actually consider this to be a real victory because it was tempting to spend a ton of money sprucing up the house and even adding accents or decorations to make it look better – but I stood my ground and committed to buying as little as possible.

Mason jars for Valentine’s craft ($20 gift card) – I was in charge of a craft at my daughter’s kindergarten class Valentine’s Day party. The timing could not have been worse, but I decided to make slime with the kids because I already had everything I needed, but I did need to buy something for the kids to make and take the slime in. So I bought 4 ounce mason jars with a gift card.

Medicine for Theo ($10) – After Theo’s surgery, he was on a regular schedule of pain medications for several days so we had to buy more. Poor kid.

Gift card for Brett’s Employee ($50) – I’m totally ok with the occasional obligatory gift for coworkers.

Backpack for Brett ($40) – I’m not so totally ok with this, but it was Brett’s Christmas money and he used this backpack every day…until his first day at the new job when they gave him a new one. This is a great reason to try waiting for something you need – you never know when the universe might decide to just give it to you!

Soaps and toiletries ($15) – Brett picked up three boxes of sustainable toiletries which include bar soaps, bar shampoos, and hair product because they were on clearance at his store and come package free. Man after my own heart.

Silicone muffin liners ($8 gift card) – I can’t safely bake in my muffin tin without liners anymore so when I ran out of paper liners I waited a month or so, but eventually caved and bought reusable silicone liners. Muffins and cupcakes, though not necessities, are definitely things that we would miss. Anyway, I had a gift card.

Total spent: $211

Over budget: $0

What We Are Going To Do With it:

The house maintenance supplies were either used up [paint] or will be reused [paint brushes]. The mason jars went home with the kindergarteners. The medicine and toiletries will be used obviously. Brett’s old backpack will become my new diaper bag. And I’ve already used the muffin liners at least five times since I bought them.

Nothing bound for the trash.


What We Got Rid Of:

While we brought in more stuff than I would have preferred, we got rid of WAAAAY more. In preparation for the big move coming up, I have been going through every drawer and every closet and even every bin in storage and eliminating all the excess.

Quite frankly, I thought we were already living pretty lean – but man, oh man! Turns out we still had plenty to remove. I even went through my clothing again and did an overhaul that now allows me to fit all of my clothes in three drawers in my closet.

We sold, gave to friends, donated tons of stuff. I’m actually sad that I didn’t track it or even take photos of everything to show the quantity, but I promise you that it was way more than the 30 items I committed to getting rid of every month.

Now that we have a closing date on our house, we have less than two months to find an apartment in the city and downsize enough to fit all of our stuff in it.

February was nuts, but I think March is going to get even crazier!



8 thoughts on “February Shopping Audit [and selling our house]

  1. Glad the surgery was a success!
    This is so exciting! First of all how amazing that you were not over budget even with the life changes! What did you get rid of from your closet? I still haven’t gone through mine but I think this week will be the time to do it. I already have a good idea in my mind of the things I want to keep… you know… the few things I actually love :):)
    Could you do a post on why you are downsizing? I’m fascinated. 🙂 Or if you don’t have time for a post then Just quickly in the comments?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tereza! We haven’t found an apartment in the city yet, but we are probably going to move into a space that is under 1000 square feet and lose a bedroom. I will be posting about it a lot over the next few months as we transition to the city. And I think it’s finally time to show what I have left in my wardrobe! I will post about that soon. Recently I got rid of some bathing suits and sweat pants and bras that I don’t wear anymore. (And I STILL have dresses that I need to go through…) I can’t wait to hear how it goes with minimizing your wardrobe!!!! I hope you love it! And it’s totally fine to take your time. It’s taken me almost two years to get to this point 😁

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  2. I love this idea of looking at a whole month of minimizing/decluttering at once! It’s so easy to get discouraged by the sheer volume of things that need to be tossed or feel like a failure when you bring new things into your home (necessary or not), but taking a broader look at the net month (what goes out compared to what comes in) is a much more encouraging way to look at it! Don’t sweat the small things, and let our monthly progress push us forward into next month! So good.

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    1. Exactly! As long as more is going out than what is coming in – that’s progress in the right direction, right? Though I am looking forward to the day when I’m done getting rid of stuff…does that day EVER come???

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  3. Wow a downsize into an apartment in the city … do you think you will be able to find something big enough for a family of 5 in the city of chicago? I guess I am more of a suburbs kind of girl but I also work from home and need the space to separate my work space from my living space. I also agree with Tereza in that a post of your downsize, apartment search, and how you’re keeping sane would be awesome! 🎉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Lindsay! I am wondering the same thing about space, but I think that we are going to just live small for a few years. I’ve been intrigued by tiny living for a while now so maybe this will be like a trial run… 🤷‍♀️ This job should just be a stepping stone for my husband so it’s not a long-term change. But it will still be a big adjustment! I’ve lived in the burbs my whole life, and while I like the idea of living in the city, I don’t know how much I will like it in reality. It will be an adventure! And I’ll definitely be posting more about it in the future!

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    1. Thanks, Brittany! I was hoping our next move would be to the country like you guys …but I guess it will have to wait for now. 🤷‍♀️

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